Christians at PCC who love the Lord!
Christians at PCC who love the Lord!

Our Mission

Christ in Greek means the “anointed One.” This title means that Jesus has been anointed and appointed by God to accomplish His purpose. As Christians, we have been called with a heavenly calling and sent into the world to share in this commission. At Christian Students on Campus, we aspire to cooperate with Christ for the accomplishment of God’s eternal purpose (Eph. 3:11) by ministering the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8) for the building up of the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:12).

Our mission can be broken down into three categories:

LIFE– to build up students in Christ in the growth of His life unto maturity

Ephesians 4:15; Colossians 1:28

TRUTH– to equip students in the realization of the divine truths according to the Scriptures by the revelation of the Holy Spirit

2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:18

SERVICE– to raise up students in the cultivation of their spiritual capacity for the building up of the Body of Christ

Matthew 28:19; 1 Thessalonians 2:7; Ephesians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 14:1