Christians at PCC who love the Lord!
Christians at PCC who love the Lord!


Griffith Observatory6baptism (1)Griffith Observatory4Gospel Forum15.10 pcc HM (4)

God has ordained that Christians must meet together in order to survive. Once a Christian stops meeting with other believers, he is a like a fish out of water. We maintain our spiritual existence and well-being through coming together in spirit. In fact, to consciously not meet is to commit spiritual suicide. College is an especially crucial time in life to develop the habit of a meeting life. Christians on Campus hosts many different gatherings as opportunities for Christians at PCC to get built up and supplied.

Not neglecting to meet together… -Heb. 10:25

Bible Studies

Student led Bible studies composed of 20 students in which we study a different book of the Bible each semester. Students meet in small groups during the week to prepare their presentation for the Bible study. During the Bible study, each group presents from their section.


Many Christian families and students in the surrounding community open their homes throughout the week for dinner and fellowship. These provide a great way to have the home away from home experience during college. The intimacy, simplicity, and mutuality of a home, believe it or not, is the ideal venue for Christian gatherings. Meeting in homes is the Holy Spirit’s “invention” and the original pattern presented in the New Testament (Acts 2:46).

College Conference

The bi-annual College Conference allows students from Southwest U.S. to come together for a weekend to spend time with the Lord and other Christians. Students will hear messages that will help them to dive into the Word of God, grow closer to the Lord, and cultivate deeper relationships with other students.